Tuesday 14 February 2017

Being A Self-Employed Translator - Part 2

When you become a freelance translator, your job description will be somewhat limited.

You must meet (or beat) every translation deadline
If you want to develop a base of regular clients, then this is a must. Sometimes it’s not enough to simply meet the deadline. If there are questions you need answering or you require clarification on a certain portion of text, then, prior to the deadline and allowing plenty of time to still meet the deadline, send your queries together with the file and asked for clarification.
Our advice is that you only translate into your dominant/native language. This is very important when you’re trying to produce a translation that’s linguistically accurate and doesn’t sound like a translation. Translators should not translate into their second or third language unless, of course, there’s no other option available.
All translators should have top-notch source language comprehension skills. In fact, your source language comprehension skills will ideally be near-native. You should not be launching a translation business based on average comprehension of your source language.
Make sure you stay with subjects that you’re really familiar with. If there’s a subject in your own language that you’re really struggling to understand, then it’s going to be even worse in your source language.
Don’t become overwhelmed by taking on too much work.
We know it’s difficult to say no to a current client or a prospective client that you’d love to work for, but it’s very important that you avoid the trap of working too much, too fast, or too late. We know that any of these scenarios will result in poor quality translation work.
And finally, your customer service must be second-to-none. Every client should know that they are your top client, that they’re important to you, and that you’ll do everything within your power to solve their problem – which means to complete their translation to the very best of your ability. Because let’s face it, translators are problem solvers! Your client wants you to do something they’re not capable of doing themselves, and that is to translate their document into another language. So go above and beyond when it comes to your customer service because we know that in the business world it’s not always about price – it’s about making your customers feel important and giving them the service they believe they deserve.

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