Saturday 11 February 2017

Translation of Android applications on the Google Translation Manager

1. Please use appropriate whitespace before/after the occurrence of a placeholder.  Messages translated this way may look fine in the GTTA UI, but they are problematic in the developers' product
Following is an example:
message (Original string)= "I have  number  friends" (notice spacing before and after placeholder)
translation (Incorrect) = "Ich habe number Freunde" (translator forgot to preserve spacing)
result in product: "Ich habe
10Freunde" (incorrect)
translation (Correct) = "Ich habe  number  Freunde" (translator forgot to preserve spacing)
result in product: "Ich habe 
10 Freunde" (Correct)
2. Make sure project is completed: 
  • In order for a project to be complete, you must press the "Submit Translations" button
  • None of the messages should remain in "Draft" state when project is complete - if they are, the complete state won't trigger

A note Regarding GTM projects:
  • GTM projects are launched and performed on the GTM platform.
  • The text for translation will be available for the translator accepting the project only after he has "accepted" the project for translation and a link to the project will be sent to the translator via email.

To successfully accept and translate a GTM project you will need to follow the instructions below:
  1. Getting Started
    • You must have a Google account to work on this project. If you do not currently own a Google account or you haven't updated it in your profile yet, please refer to the Google account section below
    • If this is your first time using Translation Manager, you’ll receive an email asking you to verify your account first. Please do this before starting translations.
  2. Start translating in the toolkit:
    • You will receive an email from Google with an invitation to the project on GTM. You will need to follow this link to access the translation resources on GTM.
    • In, you should see all the projects assigned to you. Click on one, then click on the language you’re assigned to translate, to reach the toolkit.
    • For each project you’re assigned to, you should receive an email. You can access the toolkit directly via email.
  3. Translating on GTM
    • Be aware of the “Special considerations for Android translations” section below.
    • Your translation project has a due date; be sure it is complete before this due date.
  4. Submitting a translation
    • First, you should check to see if the translation needs a review. Talk to your project coordinator about this.
    • Next, submit your translation. If it has a review stage, submit for review, and let your project coordinator know. If not, you can submit it as complete.
  5. Once you finish translating this project you will need to visit the original project page on We Translate, Inc.  and click the "Translation Submitted" button.
Special considerations for Android translations
  • Placeholders The small, label-like words are placeholders. They are either variables in the string, or pieces of text the developer doesn’t want translated. Please be aware of the following:
    • Make sure there are spaces before and after the placeholder, if there are spaces in the original message
    • For html placeholders, make sure the tags line up correctly.
    • Each placeholder used in the message should appear in the translated message once, unless there are special circumstances where it may show up multiple times due to the way it’s translated.
  • Comments If you have questions or comments about a given message string, you can use comments to communicate with the application owner. An email will be sent to the application owner.
  • Description Sometimes, developers will provide more context for the message string in the description. Pay attention to this!
  • Plurals You may have noticed that some messages are duplicate. This is because they are messages that contain plurals. For plural messages, translate them for all the plural rules in your language. Reference for plural rules in each language. For quantities that don’t have a plural, simply translate it into the “other” quantity.
  • HTML Sometimes there is HTML in the messages. Make sure the HTML looks ok and is formatted properly.
Features that can help you
  • Suggestions “If you need help with suggestions. Suggestions are pulled from various sources - Translation Memory, which is a pool of human translations, or Google Translate, machine translations.”
  • Auto translations You can use Google Translate to automatically translate messages. However, this should be a draft form, and they must be edited professionally.

Updating The Google account on the We Translate, Inc.  profile page for Google account owners
  1. Visit your profile page and update your Google account in the "External Accounts" section.
  2. Hit "Save" for the changes to apply

Updating The Google account on the We Translate, Inc. profile page if you do not currently own a Google account
  1. Create a Google account here
  2. Visit your profile page and update your New Google account in the "External Accounts" section.
  3. Hit "Save" for the changes to apply

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