Friday 24 February 2017

For Quality Translations You Need a Qualified Translator

For Quality Translations You Need a Qualified Translator

Just because someone is bilingual, or regardless of how many languages they speak, it still doesn’t make them a translator.

Below we’ve listed some tips on how to find a qualified translator, and why a ‘general’ search may not be the best option –
There’s More to Translation Than Being Bilingual
Just because someone is bilingual, or regardless of how many languages they speak, it still doesn’t make them a translator. There are other skills required when it comes to translation, such as having a thorough knowledge of a specialized vocabulary, business management skills, a familiarity with the translation industry, and so on. Plus, ideally, professional translators will only be working into their native language – not their second or third language. So if you’re looking for an accurate, professional translation then its key that you use someone who has established themselves as a professional translator.
Finding a Qualified Translator
The first step towards procuring an accurate, quality translation is to find a qualified translator. Dealing with an inexperienced translator can be time-consuming, expensive, not-to-mention embarrassing! Save yourself time and money by getting it right the first time. Just because someone has studied or lived abroad does not mean they’re qualified to translate your important documents.
For the purpose of this post we’ll assume that you don’t have access to a word-of-mouth referral and that you’re not familiar with the translation industry; so your best resource for locating a translator would be a professional association for translators. In the United States, there’s the American Translator’s Association: they have an online membership directory, and clients can search using almost any criteria applicable to translation, such as Specialization, Location, ATA Certification, Language Pair, and so on. Then there are translator associations with online membership directories for different States and larger metropolitan areas. Search for your own State or city, because using a local person can be the ideal option if you’re new to hiring translators and you’d like to meet with someone in person.
Online Translation Marketplaces
Some people find online translation marketplaces to be helpful. Some serve as a directory of interpreters, translators, and translation agencies, while others claim to offer a directory of translation services. Besides being a source of translation jobs and work for freelancers, professional translators and agencies display their rates, with some offering free quotes: they can be contacted directly from the site. Unfortunately, some of these marketplaces have become sites where translation buyers can go to receive crazy turnaround times and rock bottom rates; but generally, they can be useful when a client is dealing with an obscure language and is searching for a translator able to handle their project. From this site, they’re able to contact the translator directly.
We Translate Inc. is the world’s largest language services provider (LSP) offering industry leading translation and localization services and highly scalable global marketing solutions. We Translate Inc. is the industry’s largest network of professional translators.

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